30 January 2006

Finally, an update!

It seems like the days all run into each other! How can February be here already? I've been making steady progress on my L&L Angel of the Morning, but the blues are really starting to get to me, isn't there any other color to be found?? But it is looking great, if I do say so myself! I can't wait to move on to my next project, but that won't be for a bit... I don't know if I will do such a big one so soon again.

On a side note, away from stitching, my lovely daughter played her first hockey game and tournament this weekend! It was very exciting for all of us! She played 5 games in 3 days, each lasting about one hour. She got an assist, but the elusive goal eluded her... She has a great time playing and skating. It was a really good experience for her! I'm so proud of both of my kids how they have taken to this sport. I really hope that we can afford for them to play next season. It's $400 a player, plus equipment, plus diesel to the rink... It adds up fast! But here is a picture of my little starlet!

I'll get Stitchy's message tag done in the next few days and get that posted up here soon! I hope that you all are having a great week!


mainely stitching said...

Hey, Nona! Your daughter looks like a natural! And your Angel is coming along beautifully. The time is really flying by, isn't it?!

Anonymous said...

i love the colours in that. it's turning out beautifully.

your hockey player's a cutie!!