30 January 2006


4 Jobs you have had in your life?

1. Network Technician
2. Night Billing Clerk
3. Dispatcher/Truck Broker
4. Domestic Goddess

4 Movies you could watch over & over ? ( in no particular order )

1. Breakfast Club
2. Dirty Dancing
3. Beauty and the Beast from Disney
4. Phantom of the Opera

4 Places you have lived ?

1. Washington
2. California
3. Wyoming
4. California... It's a BIG state... :P

4 TV programmes you love to watch! ?

1. Numb3ers
2. CSI: Las Vegas
3. Law & Order
4. Scrubs

4 Places you have been on Holiday ?

1. Ireland
2. California... It's a big state!!
3. Washington - after I left!!
4. Texas

4 Websites you visit daily ?

1. 123stitch
4.Paperback Swap

4 of your Favourite Foods ?

2. Steak
3. Baked Potato Soup
4. Dill Pickles

4 Places you would rather be right now ?

1. Edmonton Mall
2. Banff
3. Maine
4. Hawaii

4 Bloggers you are going to tag? ( Hope they don't mind :) )

1. Annette
2. Sally
3. Kristen
4. Helene


Stitch said...

Haha!!! Yikes! Are we twins??? Dirty Dancing..phantom..chocolate>..Numb3ers...Sheesh! :) Thanks for answering!



Anonymous said...

I think your San Man link is wrong.
Found you off Ash site, would be back to read more. :)

Nona said...

Thanks for letting me know about the link Zohrah! I really appreciate it. It's fixed now, if anyone wants to check it out. :)