Well, I've decided on THE dress that I will wear when my husband escorts me on stage. It was very tough, there were so many gorgeous dresses to choose from. I had to stay within budget, but that still left a lot to see and choose from! :)
I do have to admit that I really liked a few others better, but this was the unanimous dress chosen by all that viewed my choices. Now this is in Aqua and my dress with be in honeydew, like the melon. I haven't yet received it, but as soon as I do I will try to post a picture of me in it.
I've also chosen my interview suit.
Although the actual color I chose was sage green. Pink is pretty, don't get me wrong, but I would only be able to wear it in Spring. Whereas, sage green is a multiuse color! :) I know, I know, I'm splitting hairs with colors, but in the end I want to be able to wear it more than once a year...
I'm sorry to say that I have not made any appearances recently. It has been quite the busy time and well, I just haven't had time. But I am rectifying this soon, as me and a few of the other finalists will be in the St. Patrick's Day parade in Cody! What fun is that! We'll be riding in a 1919 touring car. It will be my first time in such a vehicle, but I'm sure it will be just fun!
Other than that things are pretty quiet here on the pageant front. I will hopefully be able to share pictures will you more as I get closer to the actual pageant, and of course, the pictures after the pageant, so you will be able to see how good me and Jeff clean up! :)
Nice!! I am also a contestant in the '07 Mrs. Wyoming. Im Mrs. Rock Springs. It has been fun so far but very expensive. This is my first time doing this so it has been an adventure.
It was great meeting you this past weekend! I'd love to keep in contact...
Your dress was beautiful and I am so sorry about the misfortunate accident that occurred with it. You looked beautiful!
Take care!
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