01 January 2006

Happy New Year!

I can't believe that the New Year has already arrived! It seems like 2005 has left alot of things to do, I only hope I can accomplish them all in 2006... Jeff and I had a night out last night, which was wonderful, as we don't get out alone all that often! We went out for cajun and then spent the night dancing, in the only place in town that offered such a luxury. :) We welcomed in the New Year, with new hopes and dreams for the future. While 2005 was a good year, I'm really hoping that 2006 is better. I've made some new friends, re-discovered my love of cross stitching, started a blog, made a move, and watched all my children get older... 2006 has a lot to beat, Jeff is starting a new job, which is alot better than the old one. So it's off to a good start!

Here's to stronger friendships, more time for stitching and a bigger place to hide the stash that I "have" to have! LOL!

Happy New Year everyone!


Stitch said...

Amen to all your sentiments Nona!! *HUGS* I too hope that our friendship continues to grow throughout the year..I do believe we are well on our way to being really good friends! :)

Glad to hear you and Jeff got out to have some fun!! LOL Wow! Cajun!?! I'm not daring enough to try that out yet..as a matter of fact..I dont' think I've ever had Cajun food!! LOL



mainely stitching said...

I hope that 2006 is full of wonderful things for you! I'm looking forward to getting to know you better :-)