24 April 2006

Did someone say Spring?

With April almost over, I thought Spring might offically be here, but... This was what it looked like standing on my porch this morning.
I know that the bulbs are supposed to be blooming, and I do have most of my trees getting leaves, but Spring in Wyoming is always an experience. The great thing about this, is that it will help to water my lawn and pasture, since our water hasn't arrived yet... For those that don't live in the country, we get our irrigation water from the end of April to the middle of October. So we do not have any way to water our greenery until it arrives, unless we use the house water, which is a bit expensive.

Here is our grass trying to peek through to peek through and let us know that Spring really is here, but Winter just had to make at least one more stop at our house! :)


mainely stitching said...

I'm glad the snow will be of good use. Here, we've got too much water! Wish I could share...

Hope spring will soon be here for all of us!!

Stitch said...

Nona!!! SNOW!!! *THUD* LOLOL It's been raining here....tho today it was sunny and near 80..so that was a nice change. Tho tomorrow they are saying it's going to be cold again...LOLOL Go figure!!! Anyhoo, how are you doing??? I soo miss talking with yoU!!! :((( Hope you get on chat here soon....


You've got my email addy...so USE it..LOLOLOL I'm kidding

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.