25 June 2006

Another year has past...

Yes, it's true, my littlest angel is now another year older and wiser. Being two years old has brought on an onslaught of responsiblilities and acheivements. Joe now is pretty vocal on his wants and desires and is really starting to get some important words out. On Father's Day, he actually started to say Da-da for the very first time. :) I let my husband know that the little one was sucking up so he could get a Tonka Truck, but that did not succeed in getting him one. Obviously, Jeff, my loving husband, is a bit immune to the cuteness of his offspring. Me, I would have gone out of my way...
For Joe's birthday, we searched long and hard for the perfect gift. We decided that a rough and tumble boy needed to have his own John Deere tractor, so that's exactly what we found, except it is kid size. He has been very busy learning to drive and getting around the lawn. He has even found time to give the Corgi pups a ride around the place


I just have to wonder what the next year will bring. His important words that he has spoken in the last few weeks are: Da-da, tractor, Tater (one of our corgis) and Hhheeeyyy! I know it will only get better!

1 comment:

mainely stitching said...

Oh what an adorable little boy you have!! I can imagine that he just loves his new tractor!