13 March 2006

Round 2

Yes, round two came about last week. I had a house full of sick people, and it was not fun considering most of them were under 2 years old. There is some nasty virus going around and it found our house last week... Needless to say, I didn't spend too much time doing anything productive, just taking care of children, my husband and me... :( I know that this week will be better! It has to be better!

The weather here has decided that winter is definitely going to happen, finally. We have had high's in the teen's, with the windchill and right now it is 10 degrees F. But still no sign of snow or rain or anything else that resembles moisture... As much as I love winter, for the snow, I wish that spring would arrive and give way to these terrible temperatures that we have been having!

So now that the household is feeling better, I will make every effort to keep my blog more up to date. Sorry for that!

Sending you all thoughts of warm weather!

1 comment:

mainely stitching said...

Come on, Spring!!

I'm ready for it, too, even without your much more severe temps. I hope it'll be here soon.