21 February 2006

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our anniversary!! It's hard to believe how fast the time is going! We were married three years ago, it was a Friday night... I know a strange night to get married, but we were moving to Wyoming the next morning. I had all of my stuff packed up already... Had sold the house and was preparing to start a new life, in a new place, with my new spouse. Here is our wedding picture... We had a really fun wedding. We were married on Friday night at 9pm in the restaurant/bar that we met at. I used to go dancing every weekend, it was a blast! We were surrounded by about 100 acquaintances and 5 really good friends. Alot of people have said that we did it the right way and had a great party to celebrate... But, in another 7 years, we are going to renew our vows for our 10th anniversary. I've already got the spot picked out... Hopefully, it will all come to fruition! :) I'm hoping for a nice castle in Scotland, with my Jeff in a kilt!!! I'm planning it now!

My Wedding: James, the guy above with me, was our best man, as you can see, he was drinking beer... We were married by a friend of my husbands, who happened to be a minister and a bouncer at a gay bar... He was late to work that night because he was marrying us! The guy in the white t-shirt, below, is my brother in law, Brian, who was visiting California for the first time. During the vows the band was playing, Another one bites the dust by Queen, very softly... My soon to be spouse was in jeans, shirt and hat. Me, I was wearing black leather, floral tank top and hat, with a pink maribou hat band... :) The best man was cracking jokes, and our marriage was part of the entertainment for the evening... I'm hoping that James can be there again for us when we do it again, this time a bit more formally. But, I wouldn't have traded this night for anything, it was us.

So, Happy 3rd Anniversary Jeffrey! I love you, always!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah congratulations to you both on your Anniversary.